How to Treat a Toothache in the Evening

It might be challenging to deal with tooth pain at night. You might attempt a few strategies to reduce the discomfort and obtain some rest.

Benzocaine-containing over-the-counter toothache ointments might lessen dull discomfort. Moreover, a cold compress can be used to narrow blood vessels and lessen edema. Using multiple pillows to elevate oneself while sleeping can help reduce pain and oedema.


Take Over-the-Counter Pain Medication


While a toothache might be uncomfortable and unpleasant during the day, at night it can hurt far more. This is because the discomfort can last longer and there are fewer outside distractions. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to alleviate the pain until you have an appointment with our dentist in the morning.


Acetaminophen and ibuprofen, two over-the-counter pain medications, can be helpful. Moreover, benzocaine-containing numbing gels or pastes can reduce dull pain and help you go to sleep.


Because clove oil contains eugenol, a natural anaesthetic, it can help lessen the discomfort associated with toothaches. Clove oil works well as mouthwash or as a dab applied with a cotton ball to the afflicted area.


Rinse with Saltwater


You can rinse with salt water to reduce bacteria that is irritating the region if you have a toothache. Salt and water mixed together can destroy bacteria, minimise swelling, and numb the affected region.


Tea with peppermint leaves is another remedy for pain. Menthol, which is found in peppermint, can reduce dull discomfort and provide the area with a cooling sensation. You have two options: swish the liquid around or apply a moist peppermint tea bag to the affected area.


You can elevate your head with a few pillows if you have a toothache or swelling in order to stop blood flow from going to your head and aggravating the pain. Using this easy fix will help you get a decent night's sleep. Cold or acidic meals should not be consumed since they can exacerbate your discomfort.


Sleep Elevated


If you're having severe toothaches, consider sleeping on a raised surface. You can prevent pressure around the painful spot in your head caused by blood pooling by using cushions to prop up your head. It also reduces oedema and enhances circulation.


To lessen discomfort and enhance your breath, you might also attempt rinsing with seawater. A natural disinfectant, saltwater aids in the removal of microorganisms and lowers inflammation.


A toothache can significantly disrupt your day and your sleep. You can obtain some much-needed sleep until you can see your Springfield emergency dentist by using these suggestions. This is crucial since neglected toothaches might eventually result in more severe health issues.




Tooth decay, gum disease, or an infection are just a few of the causes of nighttime toothaches. It can be quite difficult to go to sleep when there is discomfort, whether it is dull or throbbing. Thankfully, you can reduce the pain and resume sleeping using a number of natural solutions.


Especially at night, flossing can be a very useful tool for relieving toothache pain. Eliminating any food particles that may be causing discomfort might also be beneficial. To prevent injuring or severing any delicate gum tissue, gently bend the floss around each tooth, going under the gum line. As you floss between each tooth, make sure to use fresh portions.


Schedule an Appointment


A nighttime toothache can interfere with your sleep and may indicate a more serious dental issue. It's imperative that you schedule an appointment with your dentist right away if the pain is severe. You might attempt several strategies to obtain a decent night's sleep in the interim.


Acetaminophen or ibuprofen, two over-the-counter pain relievers, can help you sleep by relieving your toothache. Additionally helpful in numbing pain and reducing swelling and discomfort are topical numbing gels.


More blood flows to the head when you lie down, which may make your toothache worse. Arrange multiple cushions in front of or behind you to avoid this. Your head will be raised, and your mouth's pressure will be decreased by the pillows.