18 Life Tips, A Simple Sentence, Can Solve The Big Problem

Life hacks, a combination of cleverness and wisdom, master the tips to help you easily handle the small difficulties and confusion encountered in life. Let's verify these magical methods and roles together.

1. How To Avoid Hot Pepper Causing Tears In Eyes

Chili is too spicy, it will make people can not stand it, some people will choose to drink a lot of water, in fact, water can not solve the spicy, you can choose to drink milk, milk can ease the spiciness.

2. How To Do If The Soup Is Too Salty

When cooking soup, if they accidentally put too much salt, thus affecting the taste of food, then what to do? No need to worry, we can put a few pieces of tender tofu into the soup or put a few pieces of potatoes, and the taste of the soup will become lighter, but also eat tofu and potatoes.