What Causes Blood Vessel Stenosis (Adhere To Five Good Habits, Benefit For Life)

1. Atherosclerosis

There are many causes of blood vessel stenosis, the main cause of which is the presence of many plaques in the blood vessels. When our blood is flowing, a part of the substance like platelets will be deposited. So as long as the blood is flowing, there will be some substances left on the blood vessels. Over time, these substances keep depositing and plaques are formed. So from the time we are born, plaque is accumulating in our blood vessels. As we grow older, our arteries will gradually harden and many plaques will be formed. The longer the time, the more plaque will be accumulated. When there are too many plaques in the blood vessels, or when the plaques in the blood vessels are broken, the blood vessels will be blocked and our blood will have poor circulation problems. The organs in the body will also experience ischemia.